May 28, 2014


Elle and Ava finally got to meet last week!  
It was such a special time to all be together and watch the girls "play." Although Elle was a little rough and often made Ava cry, I have no doubt they will grow up to be best friends one day (if Anna and I have anything to do with it).

We're already planning summers spent at the beach together, visits to the lake, and sweet little letters exchanged back and forth.  These two, though separated by lots of miles, will hold a special place in each other's lives.  SO grateful for sweet baby Ava and cannot wait to watch their relationship grow over the years!

Elle's signature happy move...hands over the head, big smile on the face!

Poor Ava got bombarded by kisses from Elle.  It's like she knew they were cousins - she usually only gives kisses to those she knows very well....Ava got them right away!

This picture makes me feel SO richly blessed! 
I love these two with all my heart.

It's almost like Elle was comforting Ava!
"It's ok baby girl - it gets better, I promise.  Just wait....they even give you REAL food one day."

Isn't she a beauty?
Ava has some good genes!

Her happy place!

Sandy toes!! 
Elle loved jumping the waves with Daddy.

Lifeguards on duty!

Their first fight . . . Ava did not want {another} open mouth kiss and Elle got her feelings hurt!

Practicing Papa Knotts #1 trick....a Knotts tradition!

Sweet Ava Lou!

More Kisses

So proud!
"She didn't cry this time, Mama"

On Friday, we ate at the most perfect restaurant in Orange Beach.
"The Gulf" has been written up in Coastal Living & Southern Living many times - and now we know why! 

GORGEOUS views, beachy decor, and food served out of shipping crates.
And then there were these....
the most delicious blueberry mojito EVER!

What a perfect night for Elle's first beach walk!

The Mohawk glowing in the sunset!
{Baby Elle trademark}

So intently listening to Aunt Belle explain how to be gentle.
"Good talk, girls!"

 Cousin photo shoots!

Yes you are incredible, my little love!

Fairhope, your'e gorgeous!

Officially summertime in our book....bathing suits and sandy toes!

Elle wanted crawfish SO badly!
She settled for Mum-Mum instead ;)

The best weekend with the best friends!
We love y'all!!!

Here's to many more cousin trips!!

May 13, 2014

Happy Half Birthday to Our Elle

Our sweet baby Elle turned 6 months old last week and I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around this fact. When people tell you that time flies by, they’re most definitely not kidding. She’s gone from an adorable newborn to a little human that’s full of personality, the cutest smiles and little giggles.
So much has changed over the past 6 months and every single one of those changes is for the better. Sure there’s less time for blogging, sleeping and doing my hair, but I’m so smitten with her, none of that matters. I’ll happily blog a little less, feel less accomplished, and rock a pony tail on a daily basis to spend just a little more time with my girl!
I keep telling people that I want to freeze this age!  That if she stayed 6 months forever, I'd be just fine.  But  one more mature mother told me the other day: "Honey, every age is the best age.  The BEST truly is yet to come!"  Deep down I know she's right and I want to soak in every single milestone, every single ordinary day and every "right now" - knowing that, in their own way, each stage truly is the BEST!

When friends would say, “I can’t imagine my life before my baby,” I was never really able to grasp the statement. Sure having a baby changes so many things, but that statement becomes so profound once you hold your baby in your arms. At that moment, you truly can’t imagine your life any other way and that feeling only gets stronger with each passing day.  Now six months in, I'm more grateful to have been chosen to be this little one's mama than my words could ever adequately express.  It's a gift that I don't EVER want to take for granted.

Running with Mama always calls for a nap.
Cyndi was so sweet to let Elle have her first horse ride this week!
{If I have anything to do with it - this girl will be riding solo by 2}

The Details

{shots are way harder on Mama than Elle.  She's already braver than I am!}

Elle weighs almost 15 pounds and is measuring 26.25 inches in length.   She is currently wearing 3-6 month clothing; however, we’re thinking she’ll be transitioning into 6-12 months very soon since most of her pants are high waters.

She is super smiley and drooly – she’s known to soak a shirt sleeve in a matter of minutes!
My favorite thing about her now is the way she wrinkles up her nose when she's really happy and SNORTS when she laughs!  
{Cannot imagine where in the world she learned THAT!}  :)

If you follow me on Instagram, you know smiles are never lacking with this little one.   She is in love with her daddy – her face lights up every time he talks to her or even calls us on the phone!

 She’s still a champion sleeper-13 hours last night and still taking three naps a day!

She’s had several nicknames since birth, but only one has truly stuck:Elle Belle!
She even knows that's her name now.   She turns around when you call her with the biggest, cheekiest grin you ever did see!
{Pretty much given up on the name Ellery  . . . and to think I considered going with a double name.  Never would have worked in our house.}  
But I'm glad - she's an Elle for SURE!  

Thank you all for loving us and our girl so well!!
-Michael, Emily & Elle

May 5, 2014

Our Sunshine

Elle's favorite song (or at least we like to think so) is "You are my Sunshine"
Even from the first word, a big smile creeps across her face and all is right with her world.
Sometimes a quick rendition will even calm her mid-cry.  
{This does NOT, however, include when she's hungry.  When our girl is hungry, she'll let you know -very loudly!}
Really though - she IS our little sunshine!
Everywhere she goes, she melts people's hearts!
She's sweet and she's sassy and we're SO blessed to call her our girl!

Since last week was super busy, I really only had time to snap a few pictures of our weekend.
But that was the best part anways :)

Elle's first Strawberry Festival!

On her Daddy's shoulders - her absolute FAVORITE place to be!

Daddy's girl for SURE; and I'm SO ok with that!
I love how much these two love each other.


There she goes again!

In her PJ's at a friends house for dinner!

Our perfect Spring weekend ended with a sunset sail!

The best kind of weekend spent with my two favorites!

Hope you all have a wonderful week.
The Knotts Family

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