Baby Beckham is almost 9 months now and OH how he shines! He makes life so much more fun. He belly laughs at his Daddy, eats heartily, and absolutely adores his big sister. In his eyes she can do no wrong. Watching them chase each other around the house and listening to them giggle from the other room are two of my greatest joys!
Elle still can't quite say "Beckham" so her little brother is either "Bubba" {an unfortunate nickname} or "Baby Gabe"
She knows his middle name is Gabriel and she's figured out she can say Gabe.
So we'll see what sticks :)
9 Month Highlights:
FINALLY sleeps through the night (7-7)
Eats anything and everything
{His favorite snack is blueberries but sweet boy isn't picky}
Crawls quickly
Loves to play peek-a-boo with Elle
Pulls up
Gives great big open mouth kisses.
Says "mama" and "dada" occasionally
Loves balls and trucks {and the occasional dollhouse session with Elle}
Very laid back and easy going.
Happy happy boy!
Thank you, sweet Mimi, for our Christmas PJ's.
And at 2 our little Elle is still as spirited and fun-loving as ever.
She's never met a stranger
Talks about "ho ho" constantly
Loves helping mama in the kitchen, playing with her "hop hop" house, playdates with friends, and new clothes {shocking}
She makes us laugh out loud all day long!
Currently her one liners are:
"Sorry mama. I didn't mean to."
" It's fine. It's fine" {When she knows she's about to get in trouble}
and "I'm good" {when asked to eat something she doesn't like}
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
Lots of love from the Knotts Crew.